20.10 - Group Reads
Read One Of The Following Group Read Selections And Make At Least One Post In The Discussion Thread. THE GOLDEN COMPASS (PULLMAN)
25.1 - Michelleo's Task - Future Aspirations
Think of something you really want to have in the future and read a book with that thing on the cover.
When posting the book tell us what you want and why.
25.2 - Stephanie Anne's Task - Fabulous firsts or superior seconds?
I love reading from award lists, so for my task, we'll visit The Costa Book Awards since many people might not be as familiar with this grouping of books. The Costa Book Awards are a series of literary awards given to books by authors based in the United Kingdom and Ireland. They were known as the Whitbread Book Awards (starting in 1971) until 2005, after which Costa Coffee, a subsidiary of Whitbread, took over sponsorship.
For this task, select and read a book that has won the award for best first novel/book. Then, read the second book published by the same author and determine which one you enjoyed more. In your posting, answer the following questions: Which book did you enjoy more? Will you continue to read books by this author?
25.3 - Coralie's Task - Coming Out Of Hibernation
Attend a live sporting event or musical or drama event and read a book that is somehow connected to the event. AFTER THE MUSIC (FEEHAN). ATTENDING "THE RAILS" GIG @ EMERALD ISLE 4/24/10. PROTAGONIST'S FATHER IS A FORMER CLUB MUSICIAN
25.4 - Diane's Task - The Name Game
A. Read a book written by an author that shares your first, middle, OR last name. THE GIANT’S HOUSE: A ROMANCE (ELIZABETH MCCRACKEN) MY MIDDLE NAME IS ELIZABETH
C. Read a book with a character’s name in the title. ALICE ADAMS (TARKINGTON)
25.5 - Leora's Task - Spring Cleaning
For this task you must read at least 850 pages from your TBR pile.
25.6 - BJ Rose's Task - This Day In History
A. Read a book about an event that took place on that day in history (other than births or deaths), or a book about the topic of that event. THE BIKINI: A CULTURAL HISTORY (ALAC)
B. Read a contemporary book (1950 to present) that takes place in the same area of the world as Book A, OR covers the same topic as Book A THE ELEGANCE OF THE HEDGEHOG (BARBERY) SETTING - PARIS
C. When posting, include the event you chose from the website, along with the books you read. On July 5, 1946 Louis Reard's bikini swimsuit design debuts at Paris fashion show
25.7 - Ashley FL's Task - The Gods Must Be Crazy
Read a book involving Greek and/or Roman gods. May be non-fiction or fiction. Half-blood Gods are fine. A GREEK GOD AT THE LADIES’ CLUB (MCKNIGHT)
25.8 - Helen's Task - Talk to the Animals
In honor of our animal friends, read two books (fiction or non-fiction):
A. A book narrated by or written in the voice of an animal SHAKESPEARE’S DOG: A NOVEL (ROOKE)
B. A book demonstrating the relationship between owners and pets THE DAILY COYOTE: A STORY OF LOVE, SURVIVAL, AND TRUST IN THE WILDS OF WYOMING (STOCKTON)
25.9 - Wendy's Task - Spring Break
Read a book written by an author who was popular when you were in high school or college. RAPE (JOYCE CAROL OATES) LATE 1970s - EARLY 1980s
25.10 Melissa GA's Task - Deja Vu
A. Read an original work of fiction, 100 pages or longer... PRIDE AND PREJUDICE (AUSTEN)
B. Read a published book of 100 pages or more that is based on the first book but written by a different author. The second book may be a sequel, a prequel, a re-telling, or featuring characters from the original work. MR. DARCY BROKE MY HEART: A NOVEL (PATILLO)
C. When claiming points for this task, tell us whether the second author's work lives up to the original.
30.1 - Roseann's Task - Spring Fling
A.Read a book with the word Spring in the title.
B. Read a book with "Fling, Throw, or Toss" in the title.
30.2 - Cheryl TX's Task - A Texas-Sized Task
A. Read one book from this year's Texas Bluebonnet Award List THE PENDERWICKS ON GARDAM STREET (BIRDSALL)
B. Read one book from this year's Texas Lone Star Reading List SLOB (POTTER)
30.3 - Ms. Anderson's Task - Birth and Renewal
A. Read a book first published in 2010. The book may be part of a series; however, it must be the FIRST BOOK in the series. Stand-alone books are fine. SELF MADE (WEHM)
B. Read a book (again, any genre is fine) with the prefix "re-" in the title or subtitle. A REMARKABLE WIFE (GOOLICK)
30.4 - DLM Rose's Task - One if by Land, Two if by Sea
A. One book with a natural landform or land feature in the title- mountain, valley, plain, volcano, cliff, cave, cape, canyon etc. CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR (AUEL) OR THE CAVEMAN’S VALENTINE (GREEN)
B. One book with a natural body of water in the title: ocean, pond, lake, stream, river, bay, fjord, etc. OCEANS OF FIRE (FEEHAN)
30.5 - PJ Reads' Task - As Suggested By Tanja - Six Degrees of Separation
B. Read a book that the author is at a maximum of six degrees of separation from the author in Part A. In your post for this task you must explain the connection in order to get credit. THE HELP (STOCKETT) KATHRYN STOCKETT GRADUATED THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA. VALERIE MARTIN HAS TAUGHT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA. THAT IS ONE DEGREE OF SEPARATION.
30.6 - Donna Jo's Task - As Suggested By Liz Brooklyn - Character References
A. For this task you need to read a book (fiction or non-fiction) AND A book or book written by an author that the first book references. WHEN YOU REACH ME (STEAD) AND A WRINKLE IN TIME (L’ENGEL) (2ND BOOK IS BEING READ BY PROTAGONIST IN 1ST BOOK)