my students, each and every one of them. D. with the flashpoint temper and beautiful eyes. A. with handwriting so neat and soooo small, just the way she is. C. with the inability to print, but a wealth of ideas to share and talk about. S. who can hardly remain in his seat, yet always seems to produce quality work when you least expect it. C. who is so lost and unguided that he must be as scared of himself as he has made his peers of him. M. who sits in the veryvery front so that when she speaks I can barely hear her, but when she dances..oh, when she dances she's larger than life. In school today, with the balance of your peers, and not with me thanks to a lingering cough that has me plain worn out. Listen today - stay in your seats - do your work - believe in yourselves - I've got my eyes on you !!
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